Are Advertisements Misleading? A RIP-OFF of Indian Television Advertisements

Advertisements are like growing monsters luring us in every way. Why am I calling them monsters? Because they don’t give us right information, but they mislead us and play with our emotions.

You will be shocked by the end of the article, how and how cheaply, these advertisers strategize to cheat innocent customers.

They use our emotions, our needs, our wants, our desires, show us dreams and take us away from reality. They present the bad things so brilliantly, that we get mesmerized by the packaging, not even looking what trap are we getting into.

Also Check : Classic Indian TV Commercial Ads from 1980 to 1995

Advertisements that Failed Miserably?

What are advertisements for? Advertisements are to promote their products and services, but today our advertisers have forgotten the main aim. They want the ads to look exquisite, beautiful and full of glamour, completely forgetting the product and service. Watch these advertisements if you don’t trust me. These ads have everything that doesn’t belong to the product or service at all, these advertisements failed miserably.

J K Cement ad with a Bikini model

Can anyone please tell me, what is the wet bikini model has to do with J K cement?

Katrina Kaif- Fevicol Ad

Fevicol ads are very funny and hilarious, no doubt. But seriously, Is this how one would promote a product? If you want to impress a girl in your dreams, then you must keep Fevicol away from you. Weird

Amul Macho- Crafted for Fantasies

This ad looks more like a condom ad than a men’s brief ad. “Ye to bada toing hai“, What is this toing in the first place? and secondly, why would a woman, flaunt her husband’s brief? Phewww

Dominos Cheese burst aka Twins

Twins in the hospital and dominos cheese burst pizza, what do they have in common??? Even I  have no idea, only the advertiser can tell, or may be even he doesn’t have any answer

Advertisers play with Emotions

The ads shown above are just a glimpse of what these advertisers are doing. This is just one phase, another cheap strategy they use is by playing with our Emotions. Trust me, they make you emotionally weaker to sell their products and services. They try to hit exactly where your emotions are stored. A middle class family and their dreams are now the plot of Advertisers.

HDFC Pension Plans

Hdfc Pension plans can’t give any assurity to an old age couple of a middle class family that they can go on a overseas vacation. To have that much money with their pension plans, one need to give them bundles of money before they can actually reach the age where they will get returns.

British Airways

Very emotional ad of a middle class joint family. The couple needed some alone time away from others. They could have gotten that time even if they have travelled by a train or a bus. What has British Airways have to do with the happiness of this middle class couple? Or did they want to say that the happiness the couple got was only because of British Airways? and if you want to be happy like them then there is only way- Brtish Airways?

Castrol CRB

Emotional ad about a father and a son who is about to become a pilot. Emotional bonding of father and son of a middle class family had nothing to do with the truck and the Castrol CRB.

Why do advertisers hit right on the emotional side of consumers to sell their services and products? This is so not right. Showing them the dreams of going to overseas to find happiness, a happiness that can be found here as well. That’s inhuman!

Advertisements are Misleading

Now no more Ad videos. Read some facts here. We all get so much carried away with advertisements, that we forget to have a look at them. For example, cosmetic ads, Have you ever realized a fair popular actress is chosen for a fairness cream ad.

And then they show, how in 7 days the fairness cream miraculously gave her a fair skin. Bull Shit! We have seen that actress prior to the ad and we all know she is fair.

Toothpaste, Soap and other ads with a doctor. Woah! An actor is placed on the doctor’s seat with a Doctor’s coat and a stethoscope advising us to use, a certain toothpaste, soap or bla bla.

And we fools, beside knowing the reality, take their advises damn seriously. “Kya apki toothpaste me namak hai” and then one day they will ask, “Kya apki toothpaste me namak, haldi, lalmirchi, nimbu and God knows kya kya hai”

Softdrinks– Darr ke aage jeet hai, aaj kuch toofani karte hai, Seedhi baat no Bakwaas and God knows what bakwas do they show in their ads. How can a soft drink give you the courage to jump over bridges, from terraces and do such crazy stuff? Are they mixing some alcohol or the stuff in those bottles, making bones flexible enough?

misleading advertisements

Celebrities- Katrina in a hair removal cream ad. Hair removal cream is applied on her already waxed leg and she asked you to use the cream to get legs like her. All the crazy girls out there who wants to look like her will start using it.

Shahrukh Khan promoting fairness cream for men! Heavily photoshopped ads are using the popular celebrities to promote some useless products and advertisers play with their crazy fans following.

We are consumers and not fools. This is a humble request to you all out there, whenever you buy a product do not go on the big celebs promoting it, or some beautiful emotional advertisements. Use your brains, turn around the package and have a look at details before you buy any product.

A few questions for you, Do reply them in the comment box below-

Do you think celebrities should not promote any random product/service just for money?

Do you think, there should be a limit of how much lies a company can tell in their ads?

Do you think there should be a law made to stop the ads that are misleading?

Do you think, Advertisers should not play with emotions?