The nishabd actress has left everyone nishabd with a suicide. Jiah Khan has passed away, it is heard by insiders that she committed a suicide in her JUHU Residence, the cause of her death is currently unconfirmed. Reports suggests that she was declared dead at the hospital, though Mumbai Police have not yet confirmed officially.
Times of India “She had been depressed for some time due to personal issues, but was keen on returning to acting soon. She was also meeting filmmakers regarding projects,” sources close to the actress”
Jiah has left Bollywood in a shock, she was too young to go!!!
Last Tweet of Jiah Khan
So sorry I have been off twitter! Took a bit of a break from twitter verse.. sometimes u need a sabbatical to recollect ur thoughts
— Nafisa Khan (@jiahkhan) May 24, 2013
Bollywood on Jiah Khan’s Sudden Demise
RIP Nafisa(Jiah) Khan. You were too young and beautiful… — dia mirza (@deespeak) June 3, 2013
T 1128 -WHAT …!!! Jiah Khan ??? what has happened ? is this correct ? unbelievable !!!
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) June 3, 2013